Friday, 22 November 2013

It's all about tomorrow:))

Hey guys!! 
I'm just going to let you know that I'm riding tomorrow, and for the 2nd time I'm going to my other riding school! I cant wait! I will post all my pictures when I get home. Sorry I don't have any pictures, but I will sure have some Tomorrow and Sunday!πŸ’™ So watch out!! 

Thanks for your time! - Isla -- πŸ’› 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Horsey Instagram ;)

Hey my fluffy unicorns! The topic today is Instagram;)
So can you please do me a favour and follow me on Instagram? My name is riding_hat I'm not private:)) I know many of you equestrians are on insta, if your not maybe you could join? Here is a brief view of my account so you know it's me:))...  

I do hope you follow me, my next goal is 600 followers, my top goal is 1k followers. I got 500 followers quite quick! So maybe 600?πŸ’œ
Thanks! - Isla -- 

Sleepover pictures :))

Some pictures from mine and Bryonys sleepover! 
Cherry fantaπŸ‘Œ
Face masks! πŸ’‹
I will upload the rest laterπŸ’œ 
Thanks! - Isla -- 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Lovely pictures! :))

Here are some pictures that i just on my e-mail! They are so cute!  
Me and Chesney - Sorry its blurry :)) 
Me and Noggin! I <3 this picture ;)) 
Ahh, the joy of finding lost pictures;)

Thanks! - Isla - 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Selfies, hair and siblings!

Here are a couple of selfies;-)
I will tell you the place i was when they where took! :))
A photographers house ;-)
 Starbucks! Yum:))
 On holiday in a caravan (weird face) :'-D
I love to have different hair styles everyday, so here are a couple of my favorite! 
My hair when i wash and straighten it, I'm in love :-0   
 My hair when i wet it and put it in plats overnight. :-o
Here are my siblings! Sonny and Samuel! (I will point out which ones)
And me in the middle! I just love this picture! Its not took by a photographer, Its took from my mums phone at the back of a wall on a skate park!! Its just too amazing. I cant believe how good it is! :-))

This is me and Sonny who is 7. He is a pain in the but, and I don't know how i have put up with him for most of my life :-)) HaHa   

Thanks! - Isla -- 


So this is Smokey, he is a very old, lazy pony. I was riding him because he needs more exercise, but I thought my EQ looked great on this photo, but it would be perfect if Georgia was not walking past to get to the front, naughty Georgia! :'D  
This was at the end of the ride, my EQ was terrible! I was slouching ( not in the ride, this was at the end of the ride! ) Soo yeah :((

Thanks for your time! - Isla --

Get to know my dogs!

Get to know my dogs!
 This is my Jack Russell puppy Pixie, she is 1 years old and loves to sleep, eat and be cute!
 This is a picture of Pixie and my sheep dog Jack, who was born on a farm and he is now 12 (old man :)) )
This is Pixie on her first birthday! Photo credit, My mum :'D
 Pixie Just loves to play with rugby balls :))
 This picture is the best picture i have took and have done a edit on, its amazing! even my Mum LOVES it and she is hard to please with photos:'D And this picture was took with my phone as well! :-0
Thanks for looking at my doggie life photos! :-D - Isla -- 

Great sleepover!

Great sleepover! 
So on Saturday...
This girl...
Came to sleep at... 
This girls...
So as most of you might know Bryony came to sleep at mine on Saturday! We had so much fun on our first ever sleepover together. This isthe what we did list!...
What we did:
1. Bryony arrived
2. Bryony unpacked
3. we did a video diary (I-Isla I-Bryony)
4. we went shopping for goodies;)
5. We came home, had a drink and made pizza's:)
6. We went up stairs, put our onesies on, did a blind makeover, did a video diary and ate Doritos and haribos:))
7. we went down stairs and ate our pizza. (We had chicken and sweetcorn on our's).
8. We went up stairs and watched X factor and did pampers (face masks).
9. We peeled our face masks off, went down stairs, melted chocolate and dipped marsh mellows in it:-p.
10. we went upstairs and watched some movies 
11. Bryony fell asleep and i had a tummy ache:(
12.I got tired and fell asleep (finally!) :))
13. It was the morning! 9:07 and Bryony woke me up :-\
14. we checked our phones 
15. we went down the stairs, and had some cheerios;))
16. Bryony's Nan and Granddad came to pick her up to go shopping :(
17. We waved Bye:( 
18. I went back upstairs, and got changed for my horse riding assessment:))
19. My Nan took me to the riding school:)
20. I rode a really cute horse called Phoebe, She was really good :))

Thanks for reading it all! - Isla --

Saturday, 16 November 2013

I love these guys:)

 I <3 these Guys! <3                                                                    Toby<3<3
                                                                                                                     Rip My Beautiful Boy:(
Sonny (my brother) and Egbert<3
Me and smokey x
 Me and Rambo<3
Thanks for looking! - Isla --

More Horses

 Some of the beautiful horses!<3

Chucky+eErnie! The beautiful boys!

And Finaly Egbert<3
Thanks! - Isla -

I Love Justin!

I love Justin!


Thanks! - Isla --


 Videos of me riding Chesney!

Thanks for watching! - Isla --

More horsey things!

More horsey things!
 Me and Chester - he is so cute!
 Freddy<3 I love him
Thanks for reading! - Isla --

Friday, 15 November 2013

Welcome to my blog!

Hi! Welcome to my blog!
This is me on Google+

I love these Guys!

Me and Zeb <3


And again, my EQ is better this time! <3
 I Love Chesney! Ignore my face :-p
 My Lovley Egbert :-)
 Thanks for reading - Isla x