Monday, 18 November 2013

Great sleepover!

Great sleepover! 
So on Saturday...
This girl...
Came to sleep at... 
This girls...
So as most of you might know Bryony came to sleep at mine on Saturday! We had so much fun on our first ever sleepover together. This isthe what we did list!...
What we did:
1. Bryony arrived
2. Bryony unpacked
3. we did a video diary (I-Isla I-Bryony)
4. we went shopping for goodies;)
5. We came home, had a drink and made pizza's:)
6. We went up stairs, put our onesies on, did a blind makeover, did a video diary and ate Doritos and haribos:))
7. we went down stairs and ate our pizza. (We had chicken and sweetcorn on our's).
8. We went up stairs and watched X factor and did pampers (face masks).
9. We peeled our face masks off, went down stairs, melted chocolate and dipped marsh mellows in it:-p.
10. we went upstairs and watched some movies 
11. Bryony fell asleep and i had a tummy ache:(
12.I got tired and fell asleep (finally!) :))
13. It was the morning! 9:07 and Bryony woke me up :-\
14. we checked our phones 
15. we went down the stairs, and had some cheerios;))
16. Bryony's Nan and Granddad came to pick her up to go shopping :(
17. We waved Bye:( 
18. I went back upstairs, and got changed for my horse riding assessment:))
19. My Nan took me to the riding school:)
20. I rode a really cute horse called Phoebe, She was really good :))

Thanks for reading it all! - Isla --

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